Friday, March 7, 2014

Pennsylvania in the Worldwide Lyme Protest 2014

Pennsylvania Worldwide Lyme Awareness Protest Event

When: May 10, 2014 10am - 5pm
Where: Cabela's Hamburg, PA 19526
Coordinators: Bambi Albert and Maria Purcel

We will have a table with Lyme Disease brochures, posters and information to hand out to the public. 

  • Bambi: "Back in 2005 when I was first diagnosed my title at work was Social Service Coordinator, one summer we got a bunch of hats and fabric paint donated so we (me and all the kids on the property) all did hats, so this hat is 9 years old and been through at least as many washings."

"Hello My name is Linda and I thank World Lyme Protest for their support."

"To the world Lyme protest. Thank you. David and Linda"

"Hello world Lyme protest. My name is Sue and my family lives with Lyme. Thank you for your support."

"Hello I am Vice President Dave at our local ahopeforlyme group with my wife and we thank The World Lyme Protest for their support." Dave and Margie

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